Case Study Results
Paul was a subcontracted tiler who was stressed out, chaotic and financially stressed..
Now his stress is gone, his finances are stable and he has expanded rapidy in just over 12 months.
Katie had no idea how to interpret the numbers in her equine conditioning business. She was doing ok and making what she thought were the best decisions, but she realized that to be able to set goals, she had to be numbers based and have a plan on how to make those goals a reality.
She came to the program because, for her, it was like getting a whole business education while running her business, and has seen amazing results just applying what she has learned.
Chad & Nancy have owned their vet clinic for 10-12 yrs and felt like they were running it blindly. They would set targets but would struggle to hit them, and they really had no idea if they were making money or not until getting the numbers back from the accountant.
They had a chance to sit in on one of our workshops, and after 1/2a day they realized that they had more value in that time than they received in their last four coaching programs. They learned there is so much more than focusing on vision or mission and how they need to know what their numbers are, how to hit their targets and what to tweak.
Their business was a shackle, it was holding them back, now things are simpler and they have the freedom they wanted, not only improving the business but also improving their marriage at the same time.
Here it from their own words.
Dr Melanie was running a busy acupuncture clinic but it became very clear to her that she knew how to be a great practitioner but didn't know how to be a great business owner.
When we really laid out her numbers and looked at the business as a business, it helped her make different decisions and better decisions. In addition, she didn't like numbers. She had no accounting training, numbers overwhelmed her and she was a self-professed "not numbers person". Now she loves the numbers because she knows how to control them vs being controlled by them.
She was able to take her NET profit from 0% to 13 +% percent.
She was also able to redesign her marketing and really understand how her marketing works.
This video has a ton of great information on steps you can take to really change things for yourself.
Leslie and Jim thought they were going to have to sell...
Owning any business isn't easy. Owning a winery is especially difficult as it isn't one business you are running but three. So what do you do when you have a fantastic educational background, and yet still can't seem to get the results you are looking for? Well, you ask or help.
Leslie and her husband did just that. Not only is their winery now thriving and winning awards, but their business is also still around while other small wineries are being consolidated by the bigger companies. And she gets to really enjoy what she set out to do, make a beautiful wine, make money and have time freedom.
Check out her story and see what you can apply to your business.
Tracy and Christine own a personal training business, and things were growing and going alright but if they had a hard month they wouldn't get paid.
They loved what they do, but they were sick of not bringing home the money they would if they were working for someone else. So they started looking for coaching, but never found someone who they connected with and ACTUALLY understood how to run a business.
So they attached the program with the willingness to learn and grow, but it wasn't all easy, and it was a lot of work to balance everything.
Now they LOVE running a business, and it has all come down to now loving the numbers and how to reach them. Goal setting has gone from being a nice idea to an actual plan on how to get there.
Jesse was a plumber making a plumber's salary. Now that he understands scalability and growth, everything is different.
Malcolm is a self-employed deck builder and thought his business was doing well. He was hiking, skiing, and paddling on the weekends, BUT his business finances just weren't what he was expecting them to be.
He was getting large invoices but was never really able to stay on top of his expenses. So he started looking for answers on YouTube and books but there always seemed to be pieces of the puzzle missing. He came across one of our ads and was 80% skeptic and 20% cynic, but when he saw our guarantee, he took a chance.
The next 12 months were some of the best months in business he ever had. Here is what he changed and what happened for him.
Ryan owns a small Plumbing business and wanted so much more than to be a fly by night company but really had no idea how to get there.
It was a really hard first few months when he started working with us, it was a challenge to get all the numbers together and really know how to price and grow the business.
He learned how to move his numbers around to hit all his required margins. And his business continues to grow even in a down economy.
Learn how he did it by watching the video below.
Brenda was a full-time nurse with a part-time Medical Spa Business. Though it wasn't long until the part-time business turned into a fulltime business with a fulltime job.
To say she was stressed and tired was an understatement. She was busy all the time, missing out on her kids, and this was defiantly not the life she had signed up for.
She really just wanted to live the life she wanted, not the life she felt trapped in.
In a short 12 months, her whole world had changed, and for the better. It's a crazy story and one that I have a feeling you will be able to relate to.
Being a franchisee in any business is tough. You invest a TON of your own money in the hopes that you are buying an investment that is going to give a significant ROI. And yet, most franchisees struggle to get by with very little to no support from their franchisor.
In fact, the majority of training franchisees receive is focused on product not on how to actually build and run a successful business, and the only help you get is - go increase your sales.
Mandi and Kari were looking for help on how to actually run a business. Not doing sales or simply increasing marketing.
Now, they are more profitable than they have ever been. Listening to their story to learn more about how they got there.
Steve & Blake were slaves to their booster juice franchise and the profits weren't worth the daily grind.
Within 2 yrs they went from working 6-7 days a week (with little to no profit) to 4 days a week with a healthy profit.
It's crazy, watch the video to learn a couple of things they did to get there.
Greg bought out his family business where, even though the revenues were really high, it always felt like they were just getting by.
Here talks about how the program changed everything very quickly.
Natalie was a self-employed Realtor who really wanted to have a business vs just a job. She admits she wasn't able to get where she wanted to be because even though she was a great real estate agent, she couldn't turn that into a business.
What she wanted was someone who was business-minded who would help her build the business side of things. After seeing the results that friends of hers saw following our program, she decided to go all in and give it a go.
She has seen some massive changes in the way she runs her business. She now knows her numbers, she is earning A LOT more money, and she has the time to really enjoy her life.
Check out some of the lessons she has applied to her business and how you can do the same thing.
Kristy and Jesse were running their renovation business and were in a place where they just wanted to have their freedom back. They wanted the time to focus on their kids and their family but were just too burned out and tired. They were amazing at their work and completing projects, but just didn't have the business skills they needed to get where they wanted to be.
They were clueless about their numbers and how to understand them and how to grow the company.
Then things changed, drastically. Here is her story and how she did it.
John was at a roadblock with his excavation business, and things were at a spiral downwards. He had numbers that were showing in the books were not adding up to the numbers in the bank account
He had worked with numerous other advisors and none of them got involved with his success as much as we did. He didn't have to worry about a contract and was able to go all-in and go after what he wanted and gained a clear picture of where he was and where he needed to go.
This video shares some of the lessons learned along the way and some things he did that had a massive impact and changed everything for him.
Kristen and Megan, they knew where they wanted their cleaning company to go but had no idea how to get there. In fact, their income was in a place where they had no idea if they would be able to make payroll until days before it was due. It was stressful.
It took them a year, to really ask for help, even though they needed it. And when looking at other coaching programs they really realized they didn't want a cheerleader or a life coach, they wanted someone who could push them past what they already knew and how to actually accomplish the goals they had set up for themselves.
Since coming on board, they not only increased their revenue, they were also able to put the "smarter to their harder", and move into franchising.
Listen to their story, take notes and apply their lessons to your business.
Carter, owns a mobile auto repair company, and on the really booked months things were great, however, if sales slowed down even a little, everyone was getting paid but him. The reason, he really had no idea how to understand the numbers in his business so all he was focused on was increasing sales.
He decided to take a chance, he decided to take us up on our 0 risk guarantee and thought, what the heck, I'll do it. In a short time, things started to change for him. He was doing more profitable work, getting more time for himself and had a hiring process that made finding key employees easy.
He has an interesting story, one that has a lot of value if you watch it.
What Others Have Thought of the Program
This Program has been paramount to my success.
It has helped change how I think about my business. This program helped me get through the hardest time of my business life. I will always appreciate this program and the results it brought me.
"We had reached a point in our business where we were seriously wondering if we could continue.
The Forzani Business Solutions Program was recommended to us by a friend - and that has made all the difference.
With their many tools, real life practical examples, sense of humor and an easy to follow processes, we were able to achieve a 180 degree turnaround.
It didn't happen overnight but today our business is thriving - and even better, my husband and I are working less and living the lives we were aiming for."
I own a women’s gym franchise. I was in business for 6 months when summer was approaching, which is historically the slowest time of year for gym owners.
I was losing money and with memberships declining because of the approaching summer months, I knew that I needed help as I had no prior experience in running a business.
Since working with Forzani Business Solutions each month we have seen an increase in revenue and more importantly, profit. We have implemented systems to run the business more efficiently.
Forzani Business Solutions is the Real Deal, and the Forzani Freedom Formula is amazing. Without their knowledge and expertise, my business would have failed.
Forzani Freedom Formula and the Business tools are unmatched! The way they communicate with real world examples and apply the tools with you in your own business makes catching on super easy.
They have so much real world experience and are even utilizing their own tools in another business they own with great success.
This is not your stereotypical "business program" where they preach but do not have the experience or skills to match the advice.
They have a lot of unconventional techniques and tools which seem odd at first but they truly do make a difference! And they are ALWAYS looking to improve their program and ADD VALUE to all of their clients.
Forzani Business Solutions is the real deal! I was skeptical at first and skeptical about some of the tools and the program, but it was no doubt a business investment that was worth every penny and more!
The Forzani Freedom Formula has helped me to tap into places in my life I have never dealt with before, helping me to release old mindsets and build new ones. My success for growth in the short time we have worked together has been outstanding for me.
I have also been able to release some emotional standpoints that I carried in business. Highly recommended for those looking to make major life changes to their business and personal life.
Absolutely amazing! Forzani Business Solutions has been a game changer in our business and we would not be where we are without them!!!! So many tools, tricks and so much knowledge we are forever grateful for!
“I feel that the Forzani Freedom Formula is one of the most important tools that I have ever used for my business. It has all of the resources that I need to put in place the systems that will drive the future success of the company.
I am very grateful to be a part of this excellent program."
Before working with the program, Kelvin was spending over 16 hours a day working in the shop and looking after customers personally and had been doing this for the past 8 years.
We rarely had time for family, and as much as we love our customers, we were on the verge of calling it quits. We were not sure which direction to take to keep moving our business forward without sacrificing our lives together to do it.
Working through this program, we improved our time management, hit record sales, and we did it with Kelvin working a normal schedule. He even has time to bring our son to school in the morning.
We feel more confident in making decisions for our business and our family. Our family time has increased quite a bit. We have now spent more time in one summer together because of the program, than in the last few years combined. We are able to delegate more easily to our employees, freeing up even more time for ourselves.
Since using the Forzani Freedom Formula, I have a much better vision of what I want from my business as well as where I see it going.
I've been forced to actually do everything I thought I'd never have time for. Building these systems and processes is taking all the frustrations out of my business and allowing me to focus on growing my business. Everything is becoming much more streamlined and efficient and has taken my business to levels I never thought were possible.
Forzani Freedom Formula has been an amazing help for me personally and most of all for our business. It has taught us to organize and pay attention to what matters most for our business.
I’ve become a better leader with more insight into how my business functions and he’s taught me to set goals, but most importantly they have given me the knowledge and tools to achieve them.
I believe that all of you would be amazed at their ability to lead you away from the processes, or lack of process, that causes all of us to become stuck. Your business can give you the lifestyle you’ve always wanted. They can show you the door to success if you’re ready to walk through it. Try it. You’ll be happy you did.
I have been a client of Forzani Business Solutions for about 16 months now.
They have been instrumental in the growth and development of my business and I would not be in a position to capitalize on current opportunities without their help. They have brought focus and clarity to business planning, sales and marketing, process, staffing, shareholder issues, and most importantly, execution and making things happen.
Forzani Business Solutions is a pleasure to do business with and I highly recommend them to others.
The Forzani Freedom Formula really is a game changer when it comes to business. Their no nonsense and methodical attitude has helped me stay on track and has helped me grow my business.
The tools they provide are next to none. They never sugar coat things - you have to put in the work. But this program is there every step of the way to help you. I highly recommend Forzani Business Solutions and will never hesitate to do so.
The past few years running my business I found I was working an insane amount of hours each week, but seeing no progress towards my goals and it seemed no matter how much time I gave to the business, there wasn’t enough money coming in to support my family.
There were many tasks that were not getting done, some of them very important, causing a lot of stress on myself and our family.
Once I started using the Forzani Freedom Formula program, I have found I have lowered stress level due to building systems so that everything can get done.
My work time is a lot more productive because I’m more focused on what needs to happen next.
Setting up systems has stopped me from wasting time trying to remember how to do a task that maybe hasn’t been done for a while. I’ve also gained a better understanding of our finances.
Instead of dodging the numbers because I found them overwhelming, I now have a better and truer understanding of where we are sitting as a business because of the tools Forzani Business Solutions has given me.
In the last year, we have hit our highest level of sales ever, and we expect to be able to reach even higher sales records. . A big part of this is due to a solid marketing and sales process the Forzani Freedom Formula has helped me to build.
It has also helped me look at my business from an outside perspective. Instead of getting depressed about how things feel at the moment, they help me see the big picture.
I love how this program helps me come up with many more ideas for problems I’m facing than I can think of on my own. It is because of this program that I’ve been able to lower my stress and have a clearer vision of where we are going in the future and have the tools I need to get there.
The Forzani Freedom Formula has opened my eyes to so many business marketing possibilities and it has the tools in place so that I am able to track which ones are working and therefore I know where to spend my time and money to grow my business.
This program is very positive and uplifting, who would of thought that business education could be so motivating, interesting, and just plain fun.
With just a few new marketing strategies, I have added 4 new clients in the last 2 weeks.
Many thanks !!
“Since following and using the Forzani Freedom Formula, we have got a firm grasp on our numbers and are able to now determine the actual Gross Margin and Net Profit of every job that goes through our shop.
With this information and the systems that this program helped us to put in place, we had our most profitable year ever and now measure our success not just in sales but profit.”
As new small business owners, we were so busy focusing on the work in front of us that we knew important tasks were being missed. We knew there was more to building a business than being good at our craft, however, were at a loss when we looked at defining a strategy.
Six months into working with the program, we are more profitable and have a clear vision of the road ahead.
It has helped us to understand our company, what makes us unique and why we do what we do. We have also used the program to build a process of systemizing our work, understanding and improving our numbers.
We are re-connected to the dreams that inspired us to start our company and confident in our ability to build a profitable business that works without us.
And we mean it. Thank You,
"Having the right business development program is critical to any business owner. Forzani Business Solutions has created a solid toolkit and coaching approach to support business growth through an unwavering commitment to the execution of business routines.
Forzani Business Solutions knows success is about execution and their guidance has been instrumental in both my business and personal growth. I would highly recommend Forzani Business Solutions to any business owner."
"I was looking for a business program to help improve my sales and what I got was a program that changed how I look at my business and helped me to implement effective systems and strategies.
Forzani Business Solutions systems are well documented and easy to follow. Best of all, the systems are effective, easily implemented and can be used with any business model. My results have been phenomenal."
I would like to thank you for persuading me against my initial feelings of using a program from an outside firm. The idea was difficult to grasp at first, however after working with the program, it became clear to me that the outside perspective of someone with such vast business experience, was exactly what I had been missing.
Today I have a completely different view on how to perceive my own financial statements, manual the various positions within the company and train my management staff to duplicate themselves.
After eight years in what I deemed to be a successful business in my industry, it was an eye opener to find out how little net profit the company made. By implementing your systems I have already seen a dramatic difference in the overall company moral and most importantly my own. No longer do I feel like I am spinning my wheels for little gain, now I see the future as incredibly bright.
"I have known Greg for almost 20 years. I first started working with him while he was at the Forzani Group in Calgary. I knew then that he was a person of integrity and extremely high business intellect.
Throughout the years Greg has been a close advisor to me as I was scaling my business. He always gave me a no-nonsense point of view that always directed me to focus on what matters most, profit.
Greg has a very systematic approach to manage a business and it always proves out to be effective. If you are looking to start a business, looking to fix your business or simply looking to make your business run more efficiently and profitable I highly recommend using one of Gregs programs for you and your organization."
I have been working with Forzani Business Solutions for the past 4 months.
At first I was a skeptic and unsure as to the value their business mentorship program would provide. I felt my company was unique and successful and un-needing of outside help. I am now proud to say I was wrong.
I used to feel as though my business was running me, but after my weeks into the program my mind set and my vision changed and I can see more clearly to where I can say that I am running my business with the best ability and tools in my power. The programs lessons in time management and their agenda for running staff meetings made me a believer and that is just the beginning.
After every webinar and lesson, I feel more re-charged and better equipped to enter the next stage and phase of my business.
This program has been like Mel Gibson in the movie Braveheart, fueling my fight to succeed and feeling ready and wanting to charge forward. And like Clint Eastwood in Million Dollar Baby, providing me with the technique and discipline to win in business.
I can’t be stopped and I look forward to exceeding my own expectations.
Working with Forzani Business Solutions has helped my business immensely, not only do I have fun working with the program, I also have added tools and support to help me make better decisions and handle the bumps in the road with more ease.
This program has been a great asset to my business, so I can achieve my goals faster and take my business to the level I dream possible!
I am very skilled in my industry and believe many people can benefit from my expertise. I always figured that once I got “enough” courses under my belt, more clients would come through the door and I would be able to benefit financially. Most importantly, I thought that my dream of opening a health centre would naturally follow.
After struggling for a few years I came to a realization that I am running a very serious risk of going broke, and my dreams staying just that…dreams! I didn’t have any marketing or business skills! I enrolled in some marketing courses, then realized I was not able to apply the knowledge because it was too generalized.
With the Forzani Business Solutions Program I finally understand the importance of the systems and tools, manager vs owner roles, project management, task management and most importantly a healthy and controlled growth!
WOW! They have all the tools needed and the educations takes me step by step towards my financial freedom and my ultimate dream of opening a health centre!
I would absolutely recommend Forzani Business Solutions to anyone who has a dream to take their business to the next level but doesn’t know where to start. My advice – get it right from the beginning! Stop spending money on generalized courses and running yourself into the ground.
Working with the Forzani Freedom Formula, I saw positive changes right away. I feel that I am more effective with my hiring, staffing, and business issues.
My stress level with my business is getting less as I put more standards and practices in place that they teach me. I am more in control of my business, and I have become an effective and profitable company.
At first I was sceptical that Forzani Business Solutions would be able to understand the unique nuances of my business.
However, very quickly I realized their program and extensive past business experience endowed much insight into how my business worked and how it could improve.
This Program took me to a new level of understanding proven business principles and helped me grow as a business person. I will never look back. I literally feel like I received an MBA out of this experience and I am now using the skills and experience I have gained on other business ventures.
I highly recommend any business person allow themselves the opportunity to have their eyes opened by Forzani Business Solutions insights and their Proven Program and Methods.
Although small business owners are exceedingly skilled and in love with the service they provide, the knowledge of how to manage their ideas and financials can elude even the most proficient entrepreneur.
This program has been invaluable in assisting us to find financial direction and make solid decisions to move Renu-Elle MD to the next level.
They have proven to be committed and trustworthy, not easy when dealing with a manager as skeptical as I!
I highly recommend Forzani Business Solutions! This program has been easy to work with, provides awesome ideas and gave me a very positive outlook on life and business!
Thank you Forzani Business Solutions for sharing your years of experience and wisdom. With the skills gained, I'm managing my business and even my personal life with greater success. If there's one thing I would pass on to other's...
It doesn't matter what industry you're in, having noteworthy business systems that can be applied across all fields in any market can give you the edge to win. Successful CEO's apply the same principles no matter what business they're in.
Working with the Forzani Freedom Formula" has been the best business decision we have made to date.
The program has enlightened us in ways that would have taken a lifetime to discover on our own. In our modern day market, making intelligent, forward-thinking decisions can be more difficult than ever. Utilizing the Forzani Freedom Formula solves this problem."
We have had the pleasure of working with the Forzani Freedom Formula for several years now.
It has been a wonderful, insightful time for us. The Program has helped our business thrive and grow beyond our expectations.
I would highly recommend working with Forzani Business Solutions as they bring years of personal business experience to the table with their proven program.
Working with the Forzani Freedom Formula" has been the best business decision we have made to date.
The program has enlightened us in ways that would have taken a lifetime to discover on our own. In our modern day market, making intelligent, forward-thinking decisions can be more difficult than ever. Utilizing the Forzani Freedom Formula solves this problem."
I was new to business and I could see where I wanted my business to be but didnʼt know the steps to get it there.
I needed something that would help me fill in those steps and take my business to the next level. I did a lot of research online and found a lot of bad business coach websites and a few good ones. I reviewed 5 business coaching programs and this program was the only one that made me think that they would actually be able to help my business grow and not just mindset information and motivation talks.
This program has helped me improve my sales, margins, profits and create a proper structure for my business and refine some of my ideas that will advance my business.
Both my business and I have grown because of the guidance, ideas, and knowledge that this program has brought. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve or grow their business to the next level and far beyond."
Before I started working with the program, PC Aide was growing steadily but not fast. Business was becoming complicated, and the gain was not really a part of it as more and more expenses seemed to crop up along the way. Time for family was becoming tight.
Through other business acquaintances, I came to hear about Forzani Freedom Formula, so I connected with them. I was looking for someone with “fruit on the tree” so that I could learn and grow and change my business and make money and free up time to spend on others and meaningful things.
Since working with Forzani Business Solutions, my own grasp of business and what really works to move the business forward and create a successful business has grown. PC Aide has grown and begun to really prosper through simple but effective changes to methods and services. Time for family and others is becoming more of a reality. It’s fun to be able to call up my wife and take her out for coffee in the middle of the day. The results speak for themselves.
"For years I took it upon myself to piece meal the various strategies I believed would help my health care practice grow and flourish in a competitive market.
I read books, signed up for email newsletters on business, and felt I was doing what was needed to be a ‘guru’ clinic director. To then realize I was going down the wrong path. I realized I was continually trying to re-invent the wheel and really had no concept of what it took to excel in a competitive marketplace. I had no game plan.
To say the financial decision to work with this program was the best decision of my career is an understatement.
Since then, I have completely changed the core structure of my business, which dramatically increased my sales and I made way more net profit.
This program has been instrumental in not only providing the ideas and constructs for these changes but has provided me with an essential guide to make the right decisions. It sounds a little flowery? Well, maybe. But, I have really gained a whole new world of knowledge and insight working through this program. And the proofs in the pudding – in just 2 years my centre has made me more money then I could have ever imagined.
We started working with the Forzani Freedom Formula to help us improve our profits, decrease our overhead and be more efficient for our clients.
Forzani Business Solutions has proven their expertise in all of those areas. Even with the slowdown in the economy, we are looking at a decent year all the way around from our staff to our clients.
We choose Forzani Business Solutions for their work history and have not regretted that decision. If you are looking for all over improvements in your company – working with and using their program would be a great first step.
Before began working with the Forzani Freedom Formula, I was stressed and losing money. I realized I needed to fix the loose ends in my business but didn’t know where to start.
This program was referred to me by a friend that was seeing really good results from the program, and I needed to see those same results in my business.
As a result my stress levels have dropped off to very manageable levels. This also has helped my personal life to get better with my family. The business is changing to a solid structure to be stable and consistent and profitable.
Forzani Business Solutions has been very good for me and my business. If you choose to use the program, it will provide the tools that fit your abilities and business. These tools will enable you to take the business where you want and how fast you want it to get there.
review We have used the Forzani Freedom Formula to help me and my business, become able to restructure and build systems that certainly would not have happened otherwise.
With the tools to set my personal and family goals, we have taken my company to a place where I can now begin the process of backing away from the day to day operations and concentrate on building the company and my personal life.
That has been achieved by building the systems and adding key staff.
Beyond the systems and staffing, this program has introduced me to the resources and people to move forward. From finance to pricing tools, business planning to individual job task protocol, my company is much more poised to be a difference maker in my industry than it would have been otherwise.
I have had the opportunity to review several business coaches and programs,and after having spent time in this program and using this method, it is my opinion that they are at the top of the food chain as far as Business Development goes.
I have used the Forzani Freedom Formula consistanty for over 6 months, on a weekly basis for around an hour.
Due to this commitment, I was able to save hundreds of hours in the project management process by putting systems into place that help prevent disasters as well as scope creep and just organizing my time better.
I would highly recommend Forzani Business Solutions to anyone who spends a ton of hours working and is looking to become more efficient at what they do.
After 6 months in business and joining this program, I can proudly call myself a "Raving Fan" of Forzani Business Solutions .
The brilliant concepts I've learned, the process, organization and more.
Not only do they teach you to improve the big picture of your growing business over time. They also bring small, yet extremely easy organization methods to your business plan that you never imagined were so helpful. The ones we as owners were far too busy and far too trapped to realize even existed.
I am more than excited to watch my business become completely systematic and self-sufficient through using this program.
Thank you Forzani Business Solutions ... and your team.
Before I started working with the Forzani Freedom Formula, I was feeling very overwhelmed, overworked and felt like I was not making money for as many hours as I was putting in.
I decided to work with the program after it was referred to me by my friend who was also using it. She swore by it to better understand her business.
Forzani Business Solutions program has been awesome to work with, and it has given me the tools I need to understand what is happening in my business and how to move forward.
I have regained my confidence and motivation I need to succeed, which motivates me to keep going and be successful.
Working with Forzani Business Solutions has been an incredible experience for me. I have been wanting to get some order and processes into my wedding decor/rental business and did not know where to even start the process since it was so overwhelming.
This program was able to break everything down into easy steps for me - and in a short time, I've been able to accomplish more than I expected.
This program has been a fantastic blend of information, tools and real world examples. I would recommend it for anyone looking to make positive changes.
I have been in Professional sales for over 20 years. Through my successful career, I have strongly believed in training, coaching and motivation. Therefore I attended many different courses and have had the pleasure of meeting many coaches and trainers.
I was a Sales Manager with a Bio Fuels company when they hired Forzani Business Solutions through a referral. They were advising our sales team and I must say – they were the best I have ever seen, worked with or listened to. They were very dedicated with laser sharp focus. I believe that is what sets them apart. They live what they train - they ignore any distractions from there job.
Also, they talk about business from their own advisory and work experience. They have their own successful businesses. Many coaches I have met talk about business and have never owned one.
My advisor was very personable, very patient and listened, he didn’t only talk.
To sum this up, I will, and I do, strongly recommend Forzani Business Solutions to anyone who is looking to increase their sales and improve their sales efficiencies.
Since starting with my program I have a much better vision of what I want from my business as well as where I see it going.
I've been forced to actually do everything I thought I'd never have time for, building these systems and processes is taking all the frustrations out of my business and allowing me to focus on growing my business. Everything is becoming much more streamlined and efficient.
This program has been a great motivator for me which has helped take my business to levels I never thought were possible.
Truly inspirational, informative, and encouraging these are just three of the top words I would use to describe the Forzani Business Solutions Start-up Program.
I came into the world of business very sudden and thinking I knew a fair bit about what I was getting myself into.
Well I can tell you now, I didn't know as much as I thought I did. The techniques that this program has provided me are absolutely amazing. It's not just the bigger topics but it's the little things as well that have made such a big difference on how I am able to run my business. I would have never thought of the information this program has taught me on my own.
I can honestly say that I feel confident and comfortable starting this business and am encouraged to move forward with it. One of the great things about working with my advisor is that during the course if you have any questions or just aren't quite getting it, he will stop to help you. I never once felt uncomfortable about asking those so called “dumb” questions, he makes you feel like any question, concern or opinion you have is a good one. I am personally terrified of public speaking even in small groups, but by the end of the course I felt so confident with myself that I was able to stand in front of everyone and talk about what I had learned. It felt amazing not to break down like I have previously done on some other occasions. I feel more and more confident everyday and am continuing to feel more confident with situations that I have previously tried to avoid. I would honestly recommend anyone to take a course with Forzani Business Solutions no matter how much or how little you believe you know about running a business.
I can't thank my advisor enough for everything he has provided for me and all the topics that he has help me understand.
Forzani Business Solutions has helped me develop my business tremendously. This program povides a wealth of information and easy to apply tools. I always enjoy and look forward to doing more.
Forzani Business Solutions program was key for me during my start up of my first company.
This program showed me how to implement new strategies that would work with what my team and I were willing to try. The tools were simple to implement as well as the processes and systems, even though they weren't all from my industry.
I’ve always had and continue to have great feedback from other businesses that I referred to Forzani Business Solutions.
"In the world of social media, sound bites and jargon... This program delivers clarity, and never fails to provide tools and tactics which are focused and, most important actionable.
As a practical person, I appreciate guidance which is measurable and gets me to my goals in the fewest steps possible."
My business partner and I decided to enroll in the Forzani Business Solutions program about 5 months ago. We were unsure what to expect but decided to make the plunge. We have not been disappointed.
In those five months we have developed a new training program allowing us to have everyone trained thoroughly without us doing it. Our hiring process has become streamlined and allowed us to pick the best from far larger groups of applicants with a fraction of the time.
Forzani Business Solutions has so many easy to use convenient tools we are using and I have just dropped my second day working in the business to work on it. We fought the change in the beginning but the results keep on showing and I’m seeing my children that much more. It’s been a great success for us and a huge awakening as to the direction we should be going.